Chapter 3 of Moore (1997)
Frequency Selectivity (II)
- Contrast between Masking & Excitation Patterns
- Mechanisms of Masking
- Spectro-Temporal Pattern Analysis in Hearing (CMR)
- Non-Simultaneous Masking
- Lateral Suppression & Sharpening of the Tuning
Function as Revealed by NSM
- Frequency Selectivity in Impaired Hearing
Contrast between Masking & Excitation Patterns
- When the f of signal is held constant while varying
the masker, we get an estimate of the shape of the auditory filter (as
in those experiments we talked about last time).
- When the f of masker is held constant while varying
the signal, we get an estimate of the excitation pattern over a group
of responding filters (Figs. 3.12; 3.13).
What's the Physiological Basis of the Psychophysically
Derived Auditory Filters?
- The mechanical frequency tuning function of the
BM must has something to do with it.
- It has been reported that in many species, the
CB of the auditory filter corresponds to a constant distance along the
BM (Fig. 3.14).
- Whether there's an additional sharpening process
and at what level does such a process occur are less clear.
Evidence for an Additional Sharpening Process
- Lateral suppression, the concept of.
- It takes about 30 ms for the LS to develop.=>
CB determined by a brief signal should be broader than that by a more
sustained signal.
- Cons: loudness summation for short stimuli; notched-noise
masking, both render negative results.
- Pros: tonal maskers and signals; overshoot effect
Mechanism(s) of Masking
- Swapping: Weber's law.
- Suppression
- Linear v.s. nonlinear processes
- So far, a pure linear model seems adequate to account
for the masking data, but….
Decision Making: What's the Neural Code for Signal
- The most common assumption: Detection is mediated
by the increment in the response of a given filter.
- Another alternitive: The temporal pattern of the
neural response provides information for detection.
- Phase locking in two-tone situations.
- Rethinking about Plomp's (1964) hearing-out-partials
data (Fig. 3.15).
Comodulation Masking Release (CMR): The Case of Cross-Filter
- Standard power spectrum model assumes detection
is served by the most active filter.
- Hall et al. (1984) demonstrated that the comparison
of the responses across different filters could enhance the detection
of a sinusoidal signal embedded in a fluctuated noise masker (Fig. 3.16).
- Two band paradigm: An on-frequency band and flanking
band, either comodulated or out of synchrony.
- Complications by within-channel cues. Absent in
cross-ear presentation; brief signal in band-widening exps; or on-freq.
& flanking bands are wide apart.
- CF-independent; Proximity effect; Noise-BW dependent.
Models to Account for CMR
- Cross-filter comparison.
- Dip-listening.
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