我們計畫五月份到法國旅遊十天,先到羅亞爾河區的鄉間走走,然後再到巴黎。羅亞爾住的地方已經安排好了,是住在Château de Nazelles民宿,行程和活動也大只安排好了。這週開始安排巴黎的住宿和行程。J喜歡住公寓,便宜而且空間大,但是沒有電梯,也沒有櫃台服務。以下是我們目前的旅遊計畫地圖。
巴黎的公寓Le Provençal Studio
羅亞爾區的民宿Chateau de Nazelles
I like the idea of an October to February league. But I might even take it one step further and run it from November through March. That's one thing the NFL has that no other leagues have is that they leave us wanting more. I think only the hardest core fans are sad to see the ends of the NBA, MLB and NHL seasons - but in the NFL, I think most people are nowhere near ready for it to end. I remember as a kid thinking "the NFL season is already 3/4 over!"