- 3 3/8的溫水
- 1 tabelspoon的active dry yest
- 3杯的高筋麵粉
- 3杯的全麥麵粉
- 1 湯匙的橄欖油
原來的配方有建議1湯匙的鹽和1茶匙的麥芽萃取液(Malt Extract),但是混合麵團時忘了放鹽,後來在揉麵時才放了少許,因為以父親中式麵點的觀點,鹽可以增加筋度。我的觀點卻是鹽在西點的麵團是增加風味。麥芽萃取液可以提升全麥麵包的風味,這是在家自製啤酒常用到的材料,可惜我在住家附近的超市找不到。
全麥麵粉是使用King Arthur Flour Traditional Whole Wheat Flour,含蛋白質比例14%,有著傳統紅麥的的風味。現在全麥麵粉也有白麵了,King Arthur有全麥白麵粉(King Arthur White Whole Wheat Flour)和有機全麥白麵粉(King Arthur 100% Organic White Whole Wheat Flour),我比較King Arthur傳統全麥麵粉和全麥白麵粉的營養成分,幾乎每個營養分類比例都是一樣,纖維部份是16%,全麥白麵還多出了2%的鈣。改次要用這樣的麵粉做出全麥白吐司。
去年有在超市看到全麥白吐司。因為J喜歡白麵包,我喜歡全麥麵包,但是我們大部分都是吃白吐司。看到全麥白吐司,很高興有一個雙贏的解決方案。之後,和同事討論這樣的麵包,同事說這麵包也可能是Enriched flour做的,要我看看營養成分標示確認。回家看了吐司包裝袋外面印的營養成分標示,如同事所說,是Enriched flour,也就是添加營養劑的麵粉。
King Arthur Flour Traditional Whole Wheat Flour
King Arthur 100% Organic White Whole Wheat Flour
King Arthur Flour Traditional Whole Wheat Flour營養成分
King Arthur 100% Organic White Whole Wheat Flour營養成分
白粉的秘密 -- 麵包機跟麵粉配方 ─ 油,鮮奶,鹽
When I was in school, graduated in 1976, if you were caught using a calculator you got a detention. Now, If you dont have one, you get a detention. Its not hard to see why these kids running cash registers cant count change, they have to read the print out, and if that isnt working, they are just lost. Kind of sad that we are letting computers and electronics replace using our brains for so many things. They are a heck of an advantage on a lot of things, but they are totally destroying our kids ability to connect personally with one another, and basically dumbing down their brains. I see it all the time.