Bento資料庫的有將近20種欄位型別。使用者在Bento自訂資料庫時,可以發現Bento將欄位型別分成兩組,一組是一般儲存資料的欄位,另一組是儲存資料之外,還�� 上驗證的功能確定輸入資料的品質。Bento可用的欄位型別如下:
Text -- 儲存文字資料,最多可以放大約2GB的文字資料。
Number --儲存數字資料,最長的數字可達到2的63次方(9,223,372,036,854,775,808)。
Choice -- 儲存和顯示選單。
Checkbox -- 儲存和顯示狀態。
Media -- 儲存聲音、圖像、和影畫資料。例如MP3、JPEG和QuickTime影畫。
File List -- 儲存檔案和檔案夾的路徑。例如,�� 可以在一個員工資料庫裡,使用File List來存放員工履歷表的PDF檔。
Related records list -- 儲存另一個資料庫的關聯資料。
The link Raggs had was also in Newsmax yesterday. As far as I know it is true. I myself cant figure out how they got away with it. There was also a post above from chuck b commenting on the vote just because the color of skin. Very true. I also still believe that if we are lucky enough to vote Obama out, well see the likes of L.A. after Rodney King. I really hope Im wrong on this but regardless the outcome, weve gotta get him and others out of there.