這麼好用的個人資料庫管理,怎麼會有人想要從Mac上刪除掉?不過,這裡還是提供如何將Bento uninstall的方法。
� �據FileMaker的技術支援說法,Bento軟體並沒有內建的移除安裝程式,所以移除Bento的方法就只有手動一途。移除Bento的方法如下:
1. 將Bento程式從應用程式檔案夾拖到垃圾桶。這樣就可以把Benton的主程式刪除掉。
2. Bento的資料檔還是在硬碟裡,所以必� �把bento.bentodb檔案刪除掉,這個檔案一般都在以下的路徑 Home > Library > Application Support > Bento 檔案夾。
personally i think that this clown that got elected is the anti-christ. if he slants the vote by giving amnesty to the 12 million illegals we are doomed. yeah he is screwing us bad here but he is screwing us bad with all the other nations also . the racial war will jump off in the south and should lead to chaos and anarchy, thats when he will have his blue helmets go door to door and kill you and or put you in a work camp if you dont take his mark.