炒義大利瓜 -- Zucchini Trifolati

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2 lb (一公斤) zucchini
1/3杯 橄欖油
2瓣 蒜頭 剁碎
2湯匙 義大利巴西里 剁碎


1. 去掉zucchini兩邊的蒂頭,橫切成一半,再切片成大約3.8吋(一公分)厚度。

2. 用大炒鍋在中火把橄欖油加熱後,加入蒜頭,炒成金黃色,大約兩分鐘。加入zucchini,炒拌至變軟,大約15 - 20分鐘。起鍋前拌入義大利巴西里,加入適當的鹽和胡椒調味既完成。



雖然翡冷翠人喜歡他們的麵al dente,但他們不像台式蔬菜烹調手法,講究快火的瞬間加熱,保持蔬菜的顏色和清脆口感。翡冷翠人喜歡將蔬菜煮的熟透和入味。


Zucchini Trifolati

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Seriously, he swings so fucking hard his head is in left field while he is swinging.

I am probably not much older than you John, but I also dont understand a lot of the technology I see around me. For example, when I see kids, about in groups, they dont seem communicate with each other, at least not in person. Instead they seem to be constantly texting their other friends. I find it bewildering and rude.

listen to the radio shows both adam and john speak on the subject. but that is a good question, i dont recall ever reading anything the vampire in an article format on SN. but with halloween coming up maybe that could be an article for then.

We are In poor health of muslims saying that The US is simply not really a Christian location

Gracias por compartir su maestría en esta área. Hay mucho Info inútil en esto que flota alrededor y aprecio su trabajo duro.

Paul in 2012!!?!!!!

MLB is broken, everyone should quit watching it until the owners lose money and are forced to fix it aka salary cap.

thanks to the author for taking his time on this one.

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