義大利雙城遊 -- 旅遊準備 1

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計畫提早幾天到斐冷翠,可以先到斐冷翠附近的城鎮逛逛。另外新年放兩天假,想說從斐冷翠到羅馬的途中,可以在托斯卡尼裡面遊覽Siena、Pieza、和Montalicino。自從1997年讀過Frances Mayes(芙蘭西絲梅耶思)著的Under the Tuscan Sun: At Home in Italy(中譯: 托斯卡尼艷陽下)這本書之後,對於托斯卡尼的風光和生活就很嚮往,這次到斐冷翠和羅馬上課,一定要把握機會看看托斯卡尼的風光和艷陽下恣意暢快的生活方式。

出發前三個月就要買機票。雖然說冬天到歐洲是淡季,沒有像夏天的時候那麼多世界各地的旅客要到歐洲參訪古跡和博物館,照理說機票要很便宜,但加上稅之後還是超過USD 1000一點。可能是因為航班少了,而且斐冷翠和羅馬也不是大的航空轉運站。



一般我的旅遊習慣就是到目的地的機場,到達和離開都使用同一個機場,這樣機票可以省很多錢。發現歐洲的open jaw機票部是很貴,所以把原來要到達和離開都使用羅馬機場,改成先飛到斐冷翠,然後兩週後從羅馬離開義大利。就這樣,機票先買下來再說。

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Brandishing and disturbing the peace are not an offense while lawfully openly carrying a firearm (3). Attorney General Opinion 7101, 2/02 states “by carrying a handgun in a holster that is in plain view, does not violate section 234e of the Michigan Penal Code, which prohibits brandishing a firearm in public.” In regards to disorderly conduct, due to the nature of this code, officers have cited this law in order to suppress or discourage lawful open carry. Since a person who is not licensed to carry concealed MUST open carry their firearms on foot in order to avoid criminal charge, (nor is there any duty for anyone licensed to conceal their handgun), open carry is not disorderly conduct. The open carrying of a firearm is not by itself threatening, nor does it cause a hazardous or physically offensive condition.

I know everyones just exercising gallows humor and venting hyperbolically, but Im literally surrounded by Illinois douchebags doing that stupid fucking blackhawks goal music bullshit, and Im STILL defending this team and am adamant that were taking this fucking division and apparently Dobber heard me typing

Jesus H Christ. THAT was cool. It really took me back. What did he say? Something like two teams trying to harvest the pennant. Who talks like that anymore on sports braodcasts on TV?

I however have belief that this election was entirely rigged and The united states does not have any approach to show it.

Where is that stated in the bill? I cant find it.

What the fuck did Tejada just do? Was that shit for REAL?

Jim, I did not make that up. It was on one of the news programs, I dont remember which one. I try not to say things that are not true here. Some of what I say is my opinion that I have reached on my own by listening and reading to what others are saying. But when I say I read it or heard it, its the truth. Because its been a few days since I heard it, I dont remember on which program I saw it.

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This page contains a single entry by webjiin published on December 10, 2006 4:41 PM.

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