蘋果的滋味 1

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去年開始,就想為自己添購一部新的個人電腦,就鎖定了要買一台麥金塔,最好是Power Mac系列的,因為可以燒錄DVD。我想,如果麥金塔不好用的話,最糟的結果,我可以安慰自己買了一台視訊剪接機,又可以燒錄DVD。除此之外,還可上上網,check e-mail。

跟同事提到我要買蘋果電腦時,我同事問我家裡是否有小孩,好像只有在學中的小孩才用這樣的電腦。又問蘋果電腦除了能繪圖之外,還能做什麼。朋友聽到了,就笑說在蘋果退出繁體中文市場了你才要進場。我也不想多做解釋,我還是訂了液晶螢幕的new iMac。最後捨Power Mac而就iMac是因為經濟考量的關係。新的iMac在配備方面是划算很多,但不可以透過插卡式來擴充和連接其他的設備。但我只要用這台iMac來作家用電腦而已,我可能不需要什麼擴充。若將來需要連接其他的周邊設備,還是可以透過USB或是FireWire來連接的。


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If Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, Gouverneur Morris, Robert Morris, etc. could see what this city has come to (and if such pronouncements were not merely effective rhetorical devices), the devastation caused by the tectonic shifts of them rolling over in their graves would decimate the entire eastern seaboard.

I agree with most of this post about the Posey situation, except for the part about the rule needing to be changed. The rule should be changed. Guys get hurt every year and they dont have to. Same thing with the takeout slides at second. Just because theres always risk in baseball doesnt mean we shouldnt try and minimize it.

History shows us that groups such as Greenpeace start with what appears to be an innocuous pro-earth agenda, but eventually they make it clear that it is more anti-corporation than anything else. (Do you remember who started the Green Cross?)

The problem isnt with S/S Joe. It makes money for us the recipients. Its with those that allowed the money to be removed from its account and to be legally stolen by our own government.

Too bad this doesnt carry the force of law. It should be a crime for an officer to do this. It should also be a crime for police to form unions, lobby collectively, hire lobbyists, etc. The states need the power to limit the free speech rights and political organization rights of government employees in order to keep the people from getting trampled.

The legislature is going to have to repeal that law over Purdues veto, so asking Purdue to repeal it is hilarious. He did something a couple years ago that I liked, but for the life of me, I cant remember what it was. Must not have been that great, after all.

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